Effortlessly manage flu season with DocStation’s comprehensive
vaccine billing solution
Ensure you get the reimbursements you deserve
Streamline the vaccination process for smoother operations and shorter wait times
Reach out to and educate more patients to get them vaccinated at your pharmacy
Flu season is on its way, and it’s time to boost your community’s health and your pharmacy’s bottom line.
DocStation is committed to constantly expanding and enhancing our platform’s features and services. As flu season approaches, we want to remind you that you can bill your pharmacy vaccines (both product and administration) directly through DocStation’s BIN. Simply plug in our BIN number, and you’ll be able to track the progress of your claims as they flow into our Revenue Cycle Management suite.
vaccine encounter
plug in docstation’s BIN
get reimbursed
Save time and money
Customizable functionality
All the same insight with your current claims but now you can do the same for your vaccine claims too. Track the claim status, view rejection reasons, manage/triage resubmissions, view reimbursement rate, view checkk numbers & perform reconcilliation.
Easier to use
Use the DocStation BIN number in place of your current vendor’s BIN number.
That’s it!
Total transparency
Upgrade to DocStation and save time by centralizing all claims in a single platform, enhancing efficiency and eliminating the need for additional apps or windows.
Support like you've never received
No setup fee! Save money by not having to pay two vendors. Enjoy the convenience of managing everything with a single provider, making your process simpler and more efficient.
Got questions?
Access our "BIN Billing" help guide article
Get all the information you need to manage your billing process efficiently.
A quick tutorial video for a step-by-step walkthrough
Watch our quick tutorial video for a detailed, step-by-step walkthrough.
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We understand sometimes the best way to learn is through direct interaction. Our Pharmacy success team will be available to help answer any questions.