For Payers

Value-based programs that scale.

Nine out of ten Americans live within 5 miles of a pharmacy. What’s your strategy for member engagement? Leveraging the 65,000 pharmacies across the U.S. as primary care clinics, that’s what.

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How it Works

DocStation makes it easy to run and optimize clinical programs. Explore our turnkey options that can be up and running in less than a month, or design your own program that fits your needs and budget.

Pharmacies provide care. Patients stay healthy. You save money.

Payer Solutions

Reduce Total Cost of Care service thubmnail

Reduce Total Cost of Care

A Nationwide study found $2.21 PMPM reduction in gross health care expenditures across 1.9M covered lives.1 A value-based pharmacy program involving 73 community pharmacies with 40,000 commercial members showed 4.5% reduction in PMPM total cost of care.2 Pharmacist interventions led to a decrease in health care spending per patient compared to the control group.3



1. Part D Enhanced MTM Model. CMS Innovation, Aug. 2021.
2. Doucette WR, et al. J Manag Care Spec Pharm. 2021 Sep;27(9):1198-1208. doi: 10.18553/jmcp.2021.27.9.1198. PMID: 34464212.
3. Pringle JL, et al. Health Affairs. 2014. 33(8):1444-52.
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World Class Program Support

Our team of experts support you every step of the way through your quality journey. Everything starts and ends with your dedicated Program Manager as your central point of contact. You'll have access to an experienced team of software engineers, product designers, and quality experts who've helped design, launch, and administer the most innovative clinical programs with top payers across the industry.

Case Study

A Tech-Enabled Value-Based Program to Reduce Total Cost of Care

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Ready to get started?

Realize the goals of value-based pharmacy and focus on patients, not pills.

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Ready to Transform Your Pharmacy?

Join 3,000 other pharmacies maximizing revenue, streamlining workflows, and improving patient care with DocStation's all-in-one platform.

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