
For Payers

A direct line to the most untapped, accessible, and trusted member of the care team. DocStation helps you transform your pharmacy network from a cost center into a gateway for value-based care. Innovation starts here.


Pricing FAQs

How does DocStation work with my current MTM software?

Whether you’re interested in replacing your current MTM software or supplementation it, we’ve got you covered. DocStation is your plug and play, value-based pharmacy solution.

How does DocStation support my internal team of pharmacists?

Many health plans enlist a team of internal pharmacists to support or supplement their clinical programs. DocStation helps your pharmacists communicate and collaborate seamlessly regardless of setting.

What kind of programs can I run with DocStation?

We offer a comprehensive list of prograrm offerings that range from quality measure-driven improvement, total cost containment, pharmacy spend reduction, and many more. Reach out to find out how we can support your unique program needs.

What pharmacies work with DocStation?

DocStation works with pharmacies of all shapes and sizes. We’ve collaborated with pharmacies in over 30 U.S. States on Medicare, Medicaid, and commercial program offerings.

Does DocStation support pilot programs?

Absolutely. Every plan is at a different step in their value-based journey. We work closely with health plans to design pilots and programs fit for their needs. Whether you’re starting small, or ready to swing for the fences, we’ve got you covered.

How do I get started with DocStation?

Fill out an information request form here and we’ll be in touch shortly.

Pricing For Payers service thubmnail
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Ready to get started?

Let us show you how we can scale your value-based programs for your members today.

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Ready to Transform Your Pharmacy?

Join 3,000 other pharmacies maximizing revenue, streamlining workflows, and improving patient care with DocStation's all-in-one platform.

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