Run Clinical Programs Through Docstation
DocStation helps payers collaborate with pharmacies to launch and administer clinical programs.
We’re able to design, launch and operate programs focused on medication therapy management, adherence, diabetes, hypertension, immunizations, and social determinants of health. DocStation facilitates data integration, documentation, clinical gap closure, quality measure reporting, and fee for service and value-based payments.
We can facilitate programs across all benefits segments, Medicare, Medicaid, and commercial plans.

Network Contracting and Administration -
Program Design Consulting -
Implementation Project Management
Member Attribution -
Clinical Gap Identification -
Encounter Workflow -
Payment Model / Incentives
Quality Measurement -
Supplemental Data Feeds -
Help your population improve their health while lowering costs through clinical programs. DocStation’s pharmacy software system can import patient data (Raw claims data? No problem!), track metrics, and provide reports. We track success, you do the rest.
There are several types of clinical programs that we have experience running:
Medication Therapy Management (MTM) programs -
Disease Management programs -
Vaccination programs -
Medication adherence programs -
Specialty medication programs
What clinical programs are offered?
DocStation offers a variety of standard clinical programs focused primarily on STAR and HEDIS measure performance. Programs may be comprehensive or disease-state focused. We have the ability to design and launch bespoke clinical programs.
What kind of training and support does DocStation provide in order to get started running clinical programs?
DocStation works closely with health plans to design and launch clinical programs. We go through a list of questions to determine how to configure the program and then DocStation configures the program and we onboard the health plan before the official launch.
As far as pharmacies, we work directly with pharmacies to onboard and train as part of the program implementation. We support pharmacies throughout the life cycle of the program.
How are program outcomes measured?
Measures of success are defined at the beginning of the program exploration. Typically the measures are closely tied to clinical outcomes and cost. DocStations’ proprietary algorithms combine data from multiple sources including claims, dispensing system data and clinical documentation from pharmacists to calculate and display performance in near real-time throughout the life of the program.
Ready to get started?
Let’s build the future of pharmacy together. Hit us up using one of the links below.