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Don’t want to wait for a personal demo? Don’t. Take a peak through our video library to see how powerful this platform can actually be.

Welcome to DocStation

In this video, Rachael Matz (Head of Pharmacy Success) gives you an introduction and walk-around of the software.

Billing Claims with DocStation

In this video, Aubree Dorr (Product Manager) shows you how easy it is to bill medical claims using DocStation.

DocStation Medical Claim Processing Improvements

In this video, Aubree Dorr (Product Manager) shares the latest improvements we have made to medical claim processing using DocStation. She introduces the new feature called "Payer Predictions," which uses AI to recommend the most likely payer for a patient's medical coverage. She also explains updates to the claim tray, including visualizations and validations. Additionally, you will hear about changes to visit details, rendering provider section, and the care provided section. Finally, Aubree will demonstrate how to select a medical claim payer and submit the claim. Watch this video to learn about the enhancements we have made to DocStation Medical Claim Processing.

  • 0:00 - Introduction and Claim Tray Updates
  • 1:01 - Visit Details and Rendering Provider Section
  • 1:28 - Updates to the Care Provided Section
  • 2:09 - Payer Section and Filtered Payer List
  • 4:22 - Selecting a Medical Claim Payer and Submitting the Claim

Secure SMS Text Messaging for DocStation's Calendaring and Conversation Features

In this video, Aubree (Product Manager) explains how the secure SMS text messaging works for DocStation's calendaring and conversation features. She walks you through the process of scheduling an appointment as a patient and shows you how the confirmation and conversation happen through secure text messages. Also demonstrated is how you can send follow-up messages and engage in a conversation with the patient. By the end of this video, you will have a clear understanding of how to use secure SMS messaging in DocStation.


  • 0:00 - Introduction
  • 0:40 - Scheduling an Appointment
  • 1:34 - Confirmation and Conversation
  • 2:49 - Sending Follow-up Messages
  • 3:35 - Using Secure SMS Messaging

Exploring Calendar and Scheduling Features as a Premium Subscriber

In this video, Aubree Dorr (Product Manager) walk you through the calendar and scheduling features available to premium subscribers on DocStation. She shows you how to filter appointments, create new appointments, and configure settings for scheduling and calendaring. Additionally, she will demonstrate how patients can schedule appointments through a shareable link and how you can communicate with them securely via SMS text messaging. By the end of this video, you will have a comprehensive understanding of how to effectively manage your appointments and provide a seamless scheduling experience for your patients.

  • 0:00 - Introduction
  • 1:00 - Creating Appointments
  • 1:41 - Configuring Settings
  • 2:01 - Patient Scheduling
  • 2:50 - Managing Appointments

Configuring Automated Medical Billing in Docstation AI

In this tutorial, I will guide you through the process of configuring automated medical billing using one of Docstation AI's most powerful revenue generating tools. The Automations feature allows you to leverage your dispensing data to identify potential opportunities for clinical services. I will show you how to create a new automation rule, set up filters to target specific medications, and generate claims. This video will help you understand how to optimize your medical billing process and increase revenue.
  • 0:00 - Introduction
  • 0:40 - Creating a New Automation Rule
  • 1:21 - Setting Up Filters
  • 2:21 - Billing and Closing
  • 2:41 - Tutorial on Template Types

Exploring Medical Claim Template Types and Utilization

In this quick tutorial, Aubree Dorr (Product Manager) showcases the different types of medical claim template types and how to effectively use them when creating a claim. We have four main template types: basic fixed cost, basic product with NDC field, basic time-based for traditional MTM, and complexity-based MTM for complexity calculation. She will demonstrate how these templates work and highlight the key differences between them. Join Aubree as she dives into the world of medical claim templates and learn how to streamline the claim creation process.

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