About DocStation

The future is patients, not pills.

DocStation believes the future of Pharmacy is not in the razor thin margins of dispensing. We believe the entire operational model can, and should, shift toward patient care. Our vision is to leverage pharmacists’ skills and knowledge to enhance the quality of patient care. We are a single solution for providers and payers to collaborate and to get pharmacists paid for the services they are already providing.


The Problem

Pharmacy practice is becoming defined by every stakeholder but pharmacists. We’ve been stuck in a model where incentives are misaligned and the focus is on pills instead of patients.


The Solution

Billing Software For Medical Retail Pharmacy Shops
Health Data Intelligence
Patient Messaging System
Pharmacy Billing Software


DocStation incorporates 4 months after Josh & Samm meet.

BlueCross BlueShield


DocStation beta tests value-based program for Wellmark BCBS.

BlueCross BlueShield Minnesota


DocStation launches a value-based program with BCBS Minnesota.

Pharmacy Analytics Software


DocStation raises $3.4M Series Seed to launch medical billing.

Pharmacy Medical Billing Software


DocStation launches medical billing for commercial use.

Hipaa Compliant Messaging


DocStation has generated over $4MM in revenue for pharmacies, serves 1 million patients through the pharmacies they care for, and supports 1,000+ retail pharmacy locations.

From Our CEO

Why DocStation Works

DocStation was born from an inherent belief that pharmacists are patient care providers. In my very first year of pharmacy school, I asked a question: “How do pharmacists get paid for services?” Despite the depth and breadth of knowledge & experience of professors and mentors, no one could answer. That sparked a multi-year quest of training, experience, and research that led to the creation of DocStation. Now, 15 years later, our team of clinicians, engineers, and scientists have built the software platform that pays us as providers. Welcome to a new era of pharmacy practice. It’s been a long time comin’.

— Samm Anderegg

DocStation Leadership

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Join 3,000 other pharmacies maximizing revenue, streamlining workflows, and improving patient care with DocStation's all-in-one platform.

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